



Diets Abundant

in flavonoid-rich fruits, vegetables, tea, and wine may be linked to reduced risks for chronic diseases of lifestyle and other age-related degenerative diseases.


Diverse Phytonutrients

Contains flavonoids representative of all flavonoid classes: • flavones • flavanols • flavanones • anthocyanins • catechins — as they occur in human-food-chain fruits and vegetables.


Whole Food Based

Exclusive blend of flavonoid-rich extracts and concentrates is derived from whole cranberries, kale, green tea (decaffeinated), beets, elderberries, red and black grapes, oranges, lemons, and grapefruit. Added vitamin C enhances absorption.


Tested and Proven

according to National Cancer Institute Protocols to support immune function.

Key Benefits

  • Provides diverse phytonutrients from an optimal serving of fruits and vegetables.
  • Research links flavonoids to reducing the risk of damage from aggressive and destructive free radical attack as well as protection against many other age-related degenerative diseases.


  • Supports capillary strength*
  • Promotes cellular wellbeing and normal tissue growth throughout the body*
  • Promotes inflammatory balance within the body*
  • Water soluble flavonoids from green tea, kale, cranberries, elderberries, red & black grapes, beet root, lemons, oranges and grapefruit, concentrate in tissues rich in blood such as the intestines and the liver to provide additional protection*


Take 2 tablets daily.

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